This post is sponsored by Kimberly Clark but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
A fun back-to-school craft project to make with the kids, this upcycled school supplies organizer uses items from around the house and can be made in less than 10 minutes!

Shopping for school supplies can go one of two ways. You walk into the uncrowded store, take your time perusing the aisles while your child happily follows along finding every item on their school supply list.
Or more likely the case…you drag the whining kids into the fifth store looking for a yellow and blue striped folder that is on the supply list but does not exist. At any store.
So I’m hear to tell you, it will be okay. Even if you can’t find the school supply item that is as rare as a unicorn. And to also let you know that you can head to your local Walmart and get everything on your school supply list, including paper goods like Kleenex and Viva Paper Towels.

Because we all know that kids go through Kleenex like it’s going out of style. The great thing about the Kimberly Clark products at Walmart right now is that they are offering double Box Tops! So a win-win for you and the school!

And after your trip, you will feel all #BTSLikeABoss…yup, Back to School Like A Boss. That is until the kids dump all of the new school supplies out onto the carpet and all you hear is MOMMMM! So put them to work making this upcycled school supplies organizer!

empty tissue box
empty paper towel or toliet paper tubes
scrapbook paper
scissors & hot glue gun

You’ll want to get started by cutting the top pieces of the tissue box off and trimming your paper towel tubes down so they fit inside the box.
Paint the paper towel tubes with some acrylic paint. While those are drying, start covering your box with some fun scrapbook paper! I have so special tricks for this other than cutting a piece that is a little bit bigger than the side and gluing it on, making sure to fold the edges over a little. You could also give the kids all kinds of paper to make a collage… which could make this a longer than 10 minute activity if you need some quiet time while they are cutting and gluing!

Once the paper towel tubes are dry, attach them to the inside bottom of the box using some hot glue. I arranged mine with the tubes on one side and open space on the other so that bigger items can fit in the box as well.

Have the kiddos find extra supplies to fill up the organizer – pencils, markers, hi-liters, and scissors, plus some sticky notes and index cards. Things that they will need come homework time once the school year starts!

How do you shop back to school like a boss? What’s your best school supply shopping tip?